Your company in the USA

of Business

Consultancy specialized in the internationalization of companies that wish to act in the international market

+55 11 2787-6248

+1 (202) 391-0375 ext. 1433

Business Internationalization

We help investors to find great business opportunities abroad.

Benefits of Internationalization

Increase of brand value through international presence among others.

Benefits for the Organization

Diversification of the source of income of the country of origin and abroad among others.

Open your Company in the United States without leaving home

Are you thinking about internationalizing your business, or do you want to open a company in the USA?

The business-friendly American market is one of the most targeted by entrepreneurs who wish to internationalize their business or start it abroad. If you are a strategic entrepreneur interested in starting a business in the United States, stay tuned for the information below!

It is known that expanding or even starting a new business in the USA is a great bet. Opening a company in the United States allows an enterprise to firm itself in the midst of a more stable economy and still guarantees several advantages.

In order for you to tread this path safely, it is essential to understand these advantages, and have the right tools and information.

Our Work

With experience, we make it possible to your project

Internationalization of companies is a concept that deals with the expansion of the company through contact with the outside. This expansion takes place in two main ways: to serve foreign markets through exports and to invest directly abroad, through the installation of commercial representations or productive units.

In addition, there is also the possibility of internationalization through the search for partners in other countries, which can generate projects of cooperation and capital transfer.

Specialized Consulting

Areas of Expertise

Business Consulting

Advice on tax, labor, civil, administrative, real estate and constitutional issues.


Implementation and/or expansion of business abroad.

International Investments

Expand investments safely and achieve your goals.


Create a franchise or purchase an existing one.

Benefits of Internationalization
of your business

Positive impacts for the Company:

  • Increased brand value through international presence
  • Greater capacity to serve global customers
  • Proximity to its final consumers
  • Acesso a fatores de produção mais baratos
  • Economy of scale

Benefits for the Organization:

  • Acquisition of new knowledge and expertises
  • Raising the technical level
  • Development of new products / services
  • Diversification of income from the country of origin and abroad
  • Greater control over distribution and sales channels in foreign markets

About Us

Hélio Lupifieri


Advogado formado em 2003 com especializacao em Direito Internacional, Imigração, Investimentos e Negócios Internacionais. Graduado em Immigration Law Specialist. Membro: OAB-Ce Sob Numero: 23.804 American Bar Association Sob Numero: 05229445 National Italian American Bar Association: 60114360 American Immigration Lawyers Association International Law Association Inter American Bar Association (Iaba)

The Office Lupifieri é uma empresa de consultoria com sede em São Paulo.

Our professionals have a solid professional background, being graduated by Universities and Teaching Institutions worldwide and have vast expertise in advising several investors and companies over the years. We are ready to help you and your company explore great business opportunities in major international markets such as the United States and Europe.

We contribute to the organization, decision making, diagnosis and formulation of solutions for your business with knowledge, professionalism and total dedication.

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